No of Laboratories: 02
Area: 100 Sq. mtrs. each
Department of Pharmacology has two well equipped and furnished laboratories includes Human anatomy and physiology, Pharmacology, and animal with sophisticated digital instruments for preclinical and toxicological research.
Area of each Laboratory: 175sq. mtrs.each
List of major equipment’s:
Plethysmometer, Catalepsy bar test app., Behavioral models like Actophotometer, Eddy’s hot plate, Analgesiometer, Light and Dark model, Elevated plus maize, Morris water maize, Radial arm maize, Electro convulsiometer
Major Research area:
The Pharmacogonosy laboratory has facility for advanced research in the field of phytochemicals. The major research areas include
- Immunopharmacological studies
- Neuropsychological and behavioral studies
- Phytochemical studies
- Toxicological studies