- The institute has adopted the mentoring / parenthood system with the following objectives:
- To provide guidance and support to the students.
- To improve student- teacher relationship.
- To improve overall performance of the students.
- To help students in discovering various options for their career and future.
- Each mentor / teaching faculty is assigned as guardian for 20 -25 mentees/
- The mentors are instructed to take meeting weekly with the mentees to continuously assess, monitor, counsel and give possible guidance to the mentees.
- Mentors shall counsel the students on following points :
- Daily attendance.
- Academic performance
- Extra and co-curricular performance.
- Career development.
- Personal development including communication and soft skills.
- Interpersonal relationship.
- Social responsibilities.
- During counseling sessions, mentors are expected to be co-operative and kind towards the students to gain their full confidence.
- Mentors are instructed to record the details of each student in the provided
- Mentors shall maintain the confidentiality about the personal information shared by the
- All the information, instructions, notices should be communicated to the mentees through group representative of the batch.
- Mentor should sanction leave (Max 5 days) to the mentee based on the total attendance and should communicate same to class teacher.
- Mentors should recommend students for co-curricular and extra curricular activities as and when required to the respective head.
- Every month report (Orally) of all the mentees should be given to head mentor of the class in the meeting.
- Case study observed during/within the semester should be reported to mentoring
- Mentor will be solely repsonsible and answerable for the group of students
Guidelines for Head Mentor
- Head mentor should conduct meeting of all the mentors of the respective class
- Head mentor should take overview of all the group of mentees (Class) regarding
- Daily attendance.
- Academic performance
- Extra and co-curricular performance.
- Career development.
- Personal development including communication and soft skills.
- Interpersonal relationship.
- Social responsibilities.
- Head Mentor should addresed mentees in special cases
- Head mentor should suggest topic for traning / workshop / seminar based on the problems / suggestion from the class and all mentors.
- Head mentor should communicate all the issue in monthly meeting headed by Principal or Academic coordinator and coordinated by Academic incharge and mentoring
- Minutes of monthly meeting should be submitted to mentoring
- Case study observed during / within the semester should be reported to mentoring.